Artists 2017

KARL GILLICK – Artistic Director / Co-Creator

Karl's interest in the performing arts was born during his early career as a tree canopy biologist, climbing trees in Alaska, Costa Rica and the Pacific Northwest. The creativity and dexterity...


COHDI HARRELL is a New Mexico born performance maker currently living in Berlin. Coming from a backwoods history of training in circus and martial arts, he has spent the past fifteen years crafting,...

Andreas Bennetzen

Danish musician & composer from Copenhagen. Lives in Christiania. Member of the Danish Artist Union & the Danish Composers Society (DJBFA). While he was studying classical double bass...

Taja Savina

Taja Savina graduated from The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia: Choreographic art (bachelor), and from The Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet according to the program: "Scientific and...


OddDance  was founded in 2002 by Natalya Zhestovskaya and Grigory Glazunov. It is  nonverbal, physical theater, investigates and develops Butoh's principles, unmasks the social world, immerses in...

Walter Sallinen

Walter Sallinen is a composer and sound artist who weaves across, through and between different fields of music. He joins occasionally forces with artists from other art domains for adventurous sonic...

Shura Baryshnikov

Shura Baryshnikov is an interdisciplinary dance and theatre artist based in Providence, RI.  She performs and choreographs for both dance and theatre projects and has coached and created movement...

Marble Crowd

Marble Crowd is a new collective of artists from Iceland that have been working together in various constellations for many years. Their choreographed concert Scape Of Grace (2013) and techno-tragedy...

Ali Saleem

Ali Saleem graduate from university of Bagdad as a music teacher and professional ud-lute player in year 2002. He performed together with the Bagdad symphony orchestra for 4 years until the war...

Eine Joutsijoki

Suomen korkeimmat männyt kasvavat Keski-Suomessa. Puut ovat läsnä kaikissa keuruulaisen Eine Joutsijoen teoksissa. Metsä on voima ja suoja, jonka turvissa kirjailija- toimittaja elää ja...


APROX. (founded 2002) is a progressive one-man electropop-project known from his energetic and brisk live performances. In Decameron APROX. will perform three separate gigs about humanity; Love, Hate...

Anna Petzer

Anna Petzer (*1991) studies Art and Media at the University of Arts in Berlin. She attends the generative art-class of Alberto de Campo dealing with code based audiovisual composition. After...

Ilmari Tiitinen

Ilmari Tiitinen is a piano player and all around artist from the woods of Karelia. During last 15 years he has performed in theaters on a stage, behind it and somewhere between. His compositions can...


From an early age, Luis has been interested in various forms of artistic expression. It was during his Psychology studies at the University of Granada that he discovered a passion for theatre and...

Ben Burke

American interdisciplinary artist, puppeteer, junkyard tinkerer and co-founder of Apocalypse Puppet Theater and the Stars & Garters Theater Company.

Emma Räisänen

Emma valmistui sirkusammattilaiseksi ranskalaisesta Academie Fratellinista vuonna 2011. Valmistumisensa jälkeen Emma on toiminut sirkustaiteilijana vaikuttaen eri puolilla Suomea. Artistin uran...

Maarit Utriainen

Maarit Utriainen on monipuolinen esiintyjä, nykysirkustaiteilija ja valmistuva puutarhuri. Hänen intohimojaan elämässä ja keskeisiä työskentelymetodeja ovat uuden oppiminen, ihmisten...

Maarit Ryynänen

Dance artist, performer, and sign language interpreter from Joensuu. She's interested in exploring all aspects of human interaction and how people affect each other in their everyday lives. In The...

Tuire Hindikka

Tuire Hindikka, joensuulainen teatteripedagogi ja kulttuurin vapaan kentän toimija. Hän on työskennellyt yli kolmekymmentä vuotta lasten ja nuorten teatteritaiteen perusopetuksen...


Elämä on musta. Maailma on paska. Emme voi sille mitään. Mutta silti on kiva hymyillä ja RAKASTAA. Hiekkalaatikolla: Koti-isä / käsikirjoitus ja ohjaus: Jukka Moskuvaara AD /...

Merja Malkki

Olen Joensuun maaseutualueella, Revonkylässä asuva performanssi-ja kuvataiteilija Merja Malkki Minulle teos on tila jonka määrittelemiseen käytän sanaa kuva. Kuva voi olla: fyysinen,...


Sisko on kauneutta ja kokeellisuutta tavoitteleva popyhtye, josta kukaan ei tiedä vielä mitään. Yhtyeen muodostavat aiemmin mm. kulttiyhtye Eläimessä vaikuttaneet joensuulaiset musiikintekijät...

Ronja Ver

Ronja Ver is a dancer and dance maker, a teacher, a mother, an activist, and a lifetime student of performance as meaning-making. Her choreographic work addresses current issues through movement,...

MO Theater

MO teatteri on itsenäinen, vuonna 2009 perustettu ammattiteatteri. Teatterin perustajat Osku Leinonen ja Maria Salangina toimivat monipuolisina freelance-taiteilijoina ja asuvat...

Aino Ojanen & Brandon Gonzalez

Aino Ojanen & Brandon Gonzalez Ojanen and Gonzalez met in Helsinki in 2015 when they discovered a shared interest in performance, expanded media, and dance improvisation. The following...

Tomi Laurikainen

Tomi Laurikainen on Outokumpulainen Freelance taiteilija. Hän valmistui tanssijaksi Outokummun tanssilinjalta vuonna 2008. Hän on työskennelly teatterin parissa useissa eri ryhmissä viimeisen 12...

Ilkka Virkkunen

I am Ilkka, a rope climber, and a soon graduating circus student from Turku Arts Academy. I'm interested in minimalism, in finding the relevant things in a performance, and cutting off the irrelevant...

Brooke Sheffer

Brooke started getting interested in all things art and athletics at an early age. When she stumbled upon aerials in early college she felt she had finally found a particular genre to devote to. She...

Johanna Karlberg

Johanna(FIN) is a ________ dance artist, activist, masseuse, bodywork enthusiast and performer. She is inspired by the human body, theoretical physics and socio-cultural phenomena, such as online...

Jasu Parviainen

Olen Jasu Parviainen yksi joensuulaisen viisihenkisen Ihmisen Teatteri ryhmän perustajista. Tällä hetkellä työn alla on Ihmisen Teatterin Pop Up -Teatteri hanke Joensuun keskustaan. Olen...

Ulla Mäkinen

Ulla Mäkinen is currently the head of the dance department of North Karelia College Outokumpu. She works as a teacher and as a dance artist both locally and internationally. Currently she is an...