Ali Saleem
Ali Saleem graduate from university of Bagdad as a music teacher and professional ud-lute player in year 2002.
He performed together with the Bagdad symphony orchestra for 4 years until the war in Iraq made it impossible for him to perform.
After arriving to Finland as an asylum seeker in October 2015 he encountered his soon to be wife Kirsi Vento-Saleem, also a musician, who helped him to find used instrument and got it fixed in Koistinen Kantele factory in their home town Rääkkylä.
After this Ali has been able to perform again and has been doing several concerts around North Karelia in different venues.
In Decameron he will be performing first day together with his wife Kirsi (autoharp/singing) and step son Nuutti (guitar/cahon) as a familyband and second day together with dear artist friend Esko-Pekka Tiitinen (djembe –drum).