Aino Ojanen & Brandon Gonzalez
Aino Ojanen & Brandon Gonzalez Ojanen and Gonzalez met in Helsinki in 2015 when they discovered a shared interest in performance,...
Tomi Laurikainen
Tomi Laurikainen on Outokumpulainen Freelance taiteilija. Hän valmistui tanssijaksi Outokummun tanssilinjalta vuonna 2008. Hän on työskennelly...
Ilkka Virkkunen
I am Ilkka, a rope climber, and a soon graduating circus student from Turku Arts Academy. I'm interested in minimalism, in finding the relevant...
Brooke Sheffer
Brooke started getting interested in all things art and athletics at an early age. When she stumbled upon aerials in early college she felt she had...
Johanna Karlberg
Johanna(FIN) is a ________ dance artist, activist, masseuse, bodywork enthusiast and performer. She is inspired by the human body, theoretical...
Jasu Parviainen
Olen Jasu Parviainen yksi joensuulaisen viisihenkisen Ihmisen Teatteri ryhmän perustajista. Tällä hetkellä työn alla on Ihmisen Teatterin Pop Up...
Ulla Mäkinen
Ulla Mäkinen is currently the head of the dance department of North Karelia College Outokumpu. She works as a teacher and as a dance artist both...