On each day of the Decameron, the audience is invited to witness ten intimate presentational events, “stories” shared from peer to peer, based on a theme specific to each day.
Much in the way that Bocaccio’s themes were of significance to a culture in transition from the Middle Ages into the Renaissance, our themes are chosen for their relevance and interest to our artists and their experience of contemporary society.
Here are the themes, listed by day (date):
Day 1 (Wednesday, May 29th)
Beginneth here the first day of the Decameron, in which, when the Oekolos has opened its doors to its neighbors, the Citizens, who appear hereafter, met together for interchange of discourse, they tell tales of the nature of stories and the telling of such.
Day 2 (Thursday, May 30th)
Endeth here the first day of the Decameron; beginneth the second, in which discourse is had of borders and liminal spaces and the divers separations and connections among discrete entities.
Day 3 (Friday, May 31st)
Endeth here the second day of the Decameron, beginneth the third, in which discourse is had of knowing or unknowing and the sharing of information, either willingly or unwillingly.
Day 4 (Saturday, June 1st)
Endeth here the third day of the Decameron, beginneth the fourth, in which discourse is had of those who, by the hand of some unknowable or distant external entity, either come to harm or pass through such harm to achieve a great gain.
Day 5 (Monday, June 3rd)
Endeth here the fourth day of the Decameron, beginneth the fifth, in which discourse is had of those whose fortunes or failures result from conflict with an internal entity.
Day 6 (Tuesday, June 4th)
Endeth here the fifth day of the Decameron, beginneth the sixth, wherein discourse is had of such who, lacking in some necessary element, have found a means to rejuvinate or otherwise replenish it.
Day 7 (Thursday, June 6th)
Endeth here the sixth day of the Decameron, beginneth the seventh, in which discourse is had of those ways in which by our cleverness we destroy ourselves, either intentionally or unwittingly, in hopes of achieving some immediate gain or satisfaction.
Day 8 (Friday, June 7th)
Endeth here the seventh day of the Decameron, beginneth the eighth, in which discourse is had of the tricks we play with representative versions of our selves.
Day 9 (Saturday, June 8th)
Endeth here the eighth day of the Decameron, beginneth the ninth, in which discourse is had of relationships, the importance of these and the priorities we place therein.
Day 10 (Sunday, June 9th)
Endeth here the ninth day of the Decameron, and beginneth the tenth, in which discourse is had of such as in matters of love, community, or otherwise, have done something with liberality or magnificence.